Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Finally Some Sun in Mid-June!

So I recently posted some pics from late April. Here's what the garden looks like as of today, June 15. The nasturtiums, in particular, have loved the damp, cool weather. A while back I pulled out the beans, because they just weren't growing...must have been a bad batch of seeds because I planted twice, following the recommendations of soaking the beans overnight and using an organic bean innoculant. I put a tomato plant in its place.

After I harvested all the radishes, I put in basil and another tomato plant. I had mixed results with the radishes. Even though they are a cool weather crop, I think all the rain hurt them. The French breakfast radishes were really good, but the mixed variety of radishes ("Easter Egg") was really slow growing and they were dry and somewhat hollow in the center. The texture wasn't good and I ended up composting many of them. Next year, I'll just plant the French breakfast. At the same time I planted radishes, I planted carrots, and they are still growing. I have no idea how they will turn out -- I remember finding them difficult to grow in Kansas, they were subject to all sorts of soil and pest issues that made them come out deformed or icky -- so we'll see how they do.

Right now we are harvesting and enjoying the snow peas I planted from seed in early March, as well as lots lettuce: romaine, a speckled variety of red leaf lettuce, and arugula. I have picked two huge bunches of cilantro -- had to give one to a neighbor -- and probably will have to replant that soon so I have some when the jalapenos and tomatoes are ready.

Slugs have been a huge problem, they were devouring my squash plants, so I had to resort to the Sluggo for Organic Gardners. I hate to use anything, but this year with all the rain, I realized there would soon be no garden at all if I didn't take some type of drastic measures, and putting beer in shallow dishes just wasn't cutting it!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Cool, wet weather = slow growing this Spring

This shot is from late April. I had harvested a few radishes and everything was coming along.

The Garden - 2010

This is a shot from early in March, when we had some nice weather, so I planted carrots, radishes, snow peas and sugar snap peas. Some little critter kept digging holes in my garden and disturbing the seeds and seedlings so I had to erect this lovely netting around the garden. Once things were established, I was able to remove it. Right after my initial planting this year, the weather got really rainy and gray and we are only just now having some sunny days.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Horrible Exploding Weed

I finally found out what it is. The horrible exploding weed. It starts out in the winter as little sprouts that completely cover every single bare spot in the lawn. In the early Spring it grows about 6"-8" tall between lawn mowings, and has tiny little white flowers. But in the summer it gets dry and has seed pods, that, when you try to pull the weed out, explode and throw seeds out everywhere. It's a horrible, beastly weed, called Hairy Bittercress. Apparently its edible, but that doesn't make me feel any better. It is literally taking over my yard. Here's a link with pictures and a description. It must grow everywhere...East, West, Midwest, UK, Australia, because I found references to it from all those places. Perhaps I should just turn over my yard to it and call it a food crop!!!


I'm Baaaaaa aaaack!

It was a long, gray winter in Oregon. I can't complain too much, because it was far worse in the Midwest and East, with snow and ice. In fact, they have 6" of snow in parts of the Midwest this weekend (crazy!), but nevertheless the gray winter in the Northwest really got to me this year.

So I was itching to get my veggie garden started and on a rare sunny weekend in early March, I uncovered part of the bed and planted a row of carrots, two rows of radishes, some nasturtiums and marigolds, and two kinds of peas -- all from seed -- and also put in some lettuce starts. It's been slow going. The nights have been cool, and things have only just now sprouted.

This weekend, the beginning of Spring Break, was beautiful, so I also added a row of broccoli and cauliflower starts.

Yesterday I took soil samples down to a local nursery that was offering free testing. I found out the soil around my blueberries is too alkaline...my garden soil is basically dead and not good at all...and my compost is gold! So I spent yesterday emptying my compost bin, carrying buckets of it and working it into the garden bed in the rows between the seedlings. I also amended the soil around my blueberries. And I planted the pots on my front deck in different varieties of bright blue Senetti. They are so gorgeous! Spring has sprung, and for that I am grateful.