Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tomato Abuse and ... 101 Things to do with Lemon Cucumbers

So today I declared war on my tomatoes. I am withholding food and water until they ripen. I have cut back all their blossoms and new growth. I've got big green tomatoes and I want them to turn red. The weather is warm. Hopefully, this won't take long.

While I was cutting back...I kind of went crazy on my cucumber vines, too. I have never eaten so many cukes in my life. Sheesh. I've also taken them to work and given them to friends and neighbors. Next year I will have to remember to only plant one plant, and to give it more room to climb. In the meantime, here is my list of things to do with lemon cucumbers. I'm sure there's lots more...I won't really come up with 101.

1.) slice and eat plain
2.) cucumbers and sweet onions in vinegar
3.) refrigerator pickles (good recipes in this month's Herb Companion)
4.) slice and put on sandwiches
5.) Greek salad
6.) Spa Water
7.) Sneak some into the green salsa with the tomatillos, no one will ever know
8.) grill them...yes grill them. I read about this in an article and they're really good.
9.) tzatziki sauce
10.) slice and eat with ranch dressing
11.) slice and add to a veggie tray for a party
12.) cut into "sticks" and serve with sandwiches instead of fries
13.) eat like an apple ... my kids actually do this
14.) put in a tossed salad

That's about all I can think of right now...but I'm sure there's lots, lots more.

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