Thursday, September 3, 2009

It's Salsa Time!

Here's photo of today's harvest. The tomatoes are coming in all at once. I picked a whole bunch of tomatillos and cut the plant back a bit because it was overgrown and covering up other plants. My cucumbers are just beginning to show some signs of powdery mildew on otherwise very healthy plants. I'm thinking...hey, it's September and they held out this long, that's pretty good. I stopped using the sprinkler hose once fruit was on the plants and began to hand water at the roots, so I'm sure that helped. Honestly, I've eaten so many cukes, I would have no problem ripping the plants out entirely and planting some fall crop, but...they are pretty healthy and there are a lot of baby cukes on the vines, so I just don't have the heart to do that yet.

I am up late and have just finished making two giant batches of red and one green. I will take some of each to a dinner party tomorrow evening, share some at work, and still have a jar of each for us to use over the next week or so.

I also made a big cucumber-tomato salad to take tomorrow night: sliced cucumbers, tomatoes, Walla Walla sweet onion, fresh basil, balsamic vinegar, a touch of olive oil, salt, pepper, little bit of fine sugar. Made it a day early so it could marinate a bit.

Yum! I love this time of year!

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