Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Return of the Little Green Worms and Other Stuff

$#@!%&*!! Those nasty little boogers have returned, and while my son and I were successful at picking them off the broccoli before they did much damage, we weren't so on top of it with the Brussels Sprouts I was so excited to be growing. I'm afraid my winter crop is a total loss. I pulled out all the plants because the leaves had been chowed down to nubs. They looked so sickly and horrible. do I prevent this from happening next year? I don't know, I'm going to have to read up on these little pests over the winter. Simply picking them off regularly and killing them seems to be the only organic solution I know of, but perhaps there's another way. Oh and learn. That's what this is all about.

My fall green beans and peas are doing really well. The beans already have blossoms, and the pole bean plants are probably 6 feet tall. Hopefully that will be a good crop.

We had a couple of lovely days of steady, gentle rain, which was so good for everything, and now we've come into wonderful Indian Summer at night and warm all day. Good harvesting weather and good growing weather. I will be able to do at least one more big batch of red salsa and one of green salsa before the tomato and tomatillo plants are finished, and I still have jalapenos growing, and 3 or 4 eggplants that will be ready soon. I'm really enjoying the harvest season. So rewarding.

I am up way too late. Must sign off. If you know about organic pest control for cabbage loopers, please do comment.

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