Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

How can it possibly be the last day of October?

The last of the fall peas, beans, and peppers are harvested. Half of the garden has been "put to bed" for the winter...everything cleared, compost added and covered with a breathable black cover to keep the weeds back. All that remains are the spent plants from the peas and pole beans. I haven't been able to get those cleared because we've had so much rain and life has been busy. I also still have about six heads of Romaine growing, and I've enjoyed pinching leaves off for last minute Caesar salads at dinner time. Hope I can keep them alive for awhile longer.

I had high hopes of gardening throughout the winter, but ... truth is, I'm kind of a fair weather gardener. I'm not really one to don the rain gear and dig in the mud.

So what do I do all winter to satisfy my love for growing?

Well, the seed catalogs are fun to contemplate. My back yard really needs some landscape work, and winter will give me time to come up with a plan. I have some pathetically neglected house plants that could use some attention. Perhaps I will prune, re-pot, fertilize and wash the leaves of those plants. I will continue to feed the birds and enjoy the Anna's hummingbirds that winter over here in Oregon. That means checking, cleaning, and re-filling the feeders regularly. After the holidays, I can force some bulbs indoors, and by February, I'll be thinking about what seeds I want to start indoors. Before you know it ... I'll be planting potatoes again. Time flies. Happy Halloween.

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